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KARL MAYER Will be at Techtextile 2006

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It is reported that KARL MAYER will attend  Techtextil 2006 as an exhibitor on the German Joint Stand (1 H 19 / 1 H 17), Beijing.

Its affiliated company KARL MAYER Malimo - responsible  for the production of weft-insertion, Biaxial and Multiaxial machines  as well as stitch-bonding machinery; its Chinese branch KARL MAYER Textile Machinery Ltd. in Wujin. The main topics of KARL MAYER's info stand are as follows:


Market situation: Along with the already established markets in Europe and the USA, the composite sector has been experiencing a tremendous development in China. The Chinese production capacities are rapidly increasing, and the manufacture of glass layer fabrics - along with the roving production - is booming.   

Besides, the Chinese market is of great interest to KARL MAYER's European customers, so that some of these clients are also expected to visit CINTE Techtextil.

Products: Presentation of further developments on MULTIAXIAL and BIAXIAL machines for glass and carbon processing.

Aim is the display of KARL MAYER's high-performance technology, offering an even better quality of the layer fabrics, as a result of machine optimizations.

Market situation & products: In the last few years the demand for advertising media and geotextiles has considerably increased in China. In this context, China has become a very important market for KARL MAYER Malimo. Therefore, CINTE gives this company the opportunity to present their newly developed samples of advertising means, awnings and geotextiles as well as their latest machine developments.

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