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Impressive ――Swiss textile machinery at CITME 2006

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Swiss textile machinery manufacturers demonstrate their strong commitment to the Chinese textile industry. Some twenty leading Swiss players in the sector are jointly demonstrating their technological expertise and innovative power in a unique showcase. Visit «Switzerland» in Hall No 5 – an exiting live experience you can't miss!

China is certainly the most important nation in the textile world. The Chinese textile industry is not only the worldwide biggest supplier of textile and apparel, but also the one with the most impressive economical development in recent years. This gives evidence for the ongoing efforts for technological upgrading in order to cope with the increasing quality standards in the global textile market. No wonder, exhibitors from all over the world are enthusiastically coming to this year's CITME. This is also true for the Swiss textile machinery manufacturers. They are looking forward with confidence to a very successful show.

In the 2005, the Swiss textile machinery industry exported goods worth two billion CHF, whereof 50 % was to Asian markets, compared to 22 % in 1998. The growth rate of these economies exceeded expectations impressively, most of all China. However, these export figures show only part of the Swiss global operations. Together with its overseas holdings, Switzerland is in first position in a worldwide ranking of textile machinery manufacturers. With an estimated global market share of some 30 %, the Swiss play indeed a leading role in the textile machinery world. A key element in explaining this success lies certainly in the strong commitment to R&D activities and, most decisive, in the ability to transform innovative concepts into marketable products which requires a high degree of entrepreneurial vision. In addition, doing business and cooperating with foreign companies are long-standing Swiss traditions. The strong commitment of the Swiss textile machinery manufacturers to the Chinese market goes back to the early decades of the last century. Various forms of fruitful cooperation have developed since then, and the many Swiss direct investments effectively illustrate their confidence in the future of this market.

All the leading Swiss textile machinery manufacturers are paying great attention to this year’s CITME, the most important show in the region. They are well prepared to demonstrate their competence in anticipating customers’ requirements and in serving as a motor of technological innovation. In Hall No 5, leading Swiss exhibitors are jointly displaying their latest achievements in a unique setting with a touch of Switzerland – an exiting live experience. Visitors can be assured that they will get a taste of Swiss innovative power, and, that their Swiss partners are doing the utmost to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation. Satisfied, successful customers are undeniably the most important asset of any business. The Swiss make it their mission to understand customer needs and expectations, and to provide clients with reliable, innovative and realistic solutions. In the final analysis, what counts in an increasingly demanding world market are competitive products. Swiss precision and engineering excellence is reflected in an innovative approach to textile technology and in reliability with regard to service that is second to none. The future belongs to the best. Challenge us – visit «Switzerland» in Hall No 5!

Exhibitors in Swiss Hall No 5

Amsler Tex AG
Benninger AG
Bräcker AG
Graf + Cie AG
Heberlein Fiber Technology Ltd.
Huber + Suhner AG, BERKOL
Jossi AG
Loepfe Brothers Ltd.
Luwa Textile Engineering AG
Werner Mathis AG
Polytex AG
Maschinenfabrik Altstätten, Rotorcraft
Jakob Müller AG
Rieter Textile Systems
SSM, Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG
Suessen Spindelfabrik
Uster Technologies AG
Xorella AG
Swissmem, Swiss Textile Machinery Association

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