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US textiles and clothing imports continue to increase

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According to the US Department of Commerce, US textiles and clothing imports during January totalled 5.04 billion square metre equivalents, up 18% from December and by 9% compared with January 2013.

The following table shows the top ten suppliers of textiles and apparel to the US during January.

US Textile Imps

抚顺县| 贵阳市| 崇文区| 乃东县| 高青县| 且末县| 玛纳斯县| 逊克县| 商洛市| 元江| 兴文县| 游戏| 如皋市| 和平区| 汉寿县| 石狮市| 广宁县| 渭南市| 南京市| 华蓥市| 安徽省| 绥滨县| 淳安县| 吉林省| 左权县| 云安县| 乡城县| 来宾市| 博客| 久治县| 扎鲁特旗| 同德县| 甘南县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 曲麻莱县| 民县| 通许县| 邯郸市| 嘉黎县| 卫辉市| 红桥区|